Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Mobile Car Washing and Van Pool Customers

If you own a mobile car washing company you should consider cleaning van-pool vans, as they are usually parked at nights and all weekend long in park and ride lots. Perfect customers, which will not screw up your schedule at all and good paying customers as well. Many of these van pool companies own 100’s of vans and will often help you do the selling or give you lists of their clients, as it helps them to have these vans cleaned.

Let's take the Enterprise Van Pool Program for instance. You see the Enterprise Van Pool Program is a month-to-month rental and it comes with insurance, roadside assistance, emergency drive home program, and service and maintenance for one price. One driver takes the van home and can use it for a certain number of miles taking kids to soccer practice, etc.

Also they get two washes a month as part of the deal and are allotted $10.00 for each wash. We have found when washing these vans we give the driver a receipt and he may give us an extra tip. We usually wash on the corporation’s lot where the drivers work and this leads us to the contract to wash all the employees’ cars too. Typically 7-15 people ride in a van so they get dirty inside, but most have plastic flooring or low shag type carpet which is relatively easy to clean.

Sometimes the driver will want to put the wash on their fuel card or Enterprise credit card, which works like a Visa or Voyager card. Most of these costs are deductible against their tax return as incentives to car pool. So the driver wins, the traffic in town goes down and many people can ride for about $75.00 per month in a van-pool and have no stress on the freeway. Contact Enterprise to see if they have a van-pool program in your area and find out if you can wash for them. It is an easy sale. If you own a mobile car wash business or auto detailing company you might consider all this in 2006 if you are wishing to increase your clientele.

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