Monday, February 04, 2008

Can A Former Truck Driver Succeed With EDC Gold On The Internet?

This article is for those of you who have not yet found your way to financial independence. If you have found a way to generate steady and ever increasing income you probably won't benefit from my article.

* BUT if you are one of the thousands of Americans who lay
* awake at night worrying if your job is going to last
* If you can't take another year of financial stress
* If you would like to FIRE YOUR BOSS
* Then keep reading

Two years ago my life was turned upside down when I was rear ended by a Tractor/Trailer while I was stopped at a traffic signal. I was 52 years old then and had been working my own business for the previous four years. This accident caused me to lose my business and to go bankrupt. Before that I had worked as a truck driver mostly driving the big car hauler trucks we see everywhere. I did not know where to turn. My back was never going to be the same and I didn't want to go over the road again. I heard of some successful business owners in my area who helped others find their way in the world of free enterprise. I thought my options were limited as I had no college nor any special skills which would at my age make me a hot property. I contacted Myron and Dwayne Golden. That was 2 years ago and things have never been so good ! These very successful brothers showed me and my wife how to succeed in today's world.

The days of making a living with your hands are gone. The money today is on the internet...

Now we have multiple income streams.You must have more than one source of income to avoid financial devastation when tragedy comes your way. We learned that the best way to insure our financial future was to sell things, and the best things to sell were information. One of the things I was encouraged to do was to write a special report about my experiences with the motor vehicle accident and settlement. My special report sells for $67. The work I did to put this report together will continue to pay me for along time to come. You will be amazed at the knowledge folks will pay for!

It is not my intent here to sell my report rather to encourage you to look for your buried treasure.

There are many places to go to receive internet training. I have tried several. I found most to complicated for me to get working. I did find one source that was hands on and kind of affordable. After I got some basic skills (very basic) I was ready to start something I had been hearing about for a while.

What I found was EDC Gold. We invested $997 to get started and then paid some additional fees such as $350 one time admin fee and we also pay for a merchant account to process credit card orders that's $79 per month. We have had some success in the five weeks we've been doing this. One more transaction and we will start to keep all the money from our enrollements ($997) and we earn 100% profit on all the software we sell, and we do sell some software. I expect EDC Gold to provide a large chunk of our future income.

My point is that just because you have had some challenges and life may have kicked you around don't throw in the towel. If you can't take care of your financial needs who will? You must learn to generate some easy internet money. Get some training and set your self up for a nice comfortable future. You deserve it.

Also this is all done from your home so if you have to or want to be home you can still support yourself and your family.

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